
The Department of Organization, Workforce, and Leadership Studies (OWLS) prepares students for workplace success.

We accomplish this mission through an accelerated, applied, undergraduate degree-completion program and graduate programs, including working with students who seek a non-traditional approach in completing a degree. In addition, we value discovery and understanding and accomplish this mission through research and service.


The Department of OWLS prepares diverse learners for success in the 21st century workplace.


ACCESS for workplace success: Applied, Customized, Competencies for Experiential Student Success


The Department of Organization, Workforce and Leadership Studies at Texas State University has undergone major changes since the beginning of the Office of Occupational Education in the early 1970s. A program that was before its time offering credit for work-life competencies, credit for CLEPs and DANTES, and off campus education was to survive internal and external threats through the years.