College Credit For Heroes (CC4H)

Accelerate Texas State and change your life.
•Are you a veteran, service member, and/or working adult?
•Do you have some college but need and/or want to finish your undergraduate degree?
•Do you have military, workforce training certifications, and/or work experience?
The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) recently announced an award of $386,680 to support prior learning assessment (PLA) through its College Credit for Heroes (CC4H) program, a statewide effort designed to maximize the award of college credit to veterans and service members for their military experience. Accelerate Texas State, led by Dr. Todd Sherron, Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Coordinator, Department of Occupational, Workforce, and Leadership Studies at Texas State University.
Note: The College Credit for Heroes Program is only available for Undergraduate Students, who are currently in the progress of finishing their Undergraduate Degree.
Accelerate Texas State offers veterans, service members and working adults accelerated interdisciplinary pathways related to:
Health Care Administration
Human Resource Development
Business with Computer
Information Systems
Information Technology
Criminal Justice
Occupational Therapy
Engineering Technology
Real Estate
Geography Information Systems
Social Services
PLA will be used to accelerate veteran, service members, and working adults’ ability to earn up to 30 hours of college credit for non-collegiate training and/or 24 hours of work-life learning credit which is applied towards a Bachelors of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS).
Step 1-
Sign-up for an Information Session about the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) degree in Round Rock, San Marcos
Step 2-
Apply to Texas State University
Step 3-
Schedule an appointment with an Advisor from the Applied Arts Advising Center. (San Marcos location- 512.245.1490 | Round Rock location- 512.716.4001 | Video conferencing appointments also available)
Specific inquiries regarding the College Credit for Heroes please contact Dr. Todd Sherron at